Tonight, our church concluded a period of fasting by holding a worship and prayer service. The service was amazing...I felt the holy spirit stronger than I have in a very, very long time.
They had childcare for the little kids, but bigger kids were to be with their parents. I noticed a strong lack of bigger kids in the service, but my daughter was present and accounted for.
When we shared with Sierra the fact that the Pastor of our church was calling us to fast, Sierra said she wanted to participate, too. We, of course, told her she could and explained what it meant (for us, we did not fast from food....I just can't go without food and I wouldn't want her to, either). We told her she needed to spend her free time with God...praying for others....worshiping Him...etc. She said, no problem.
We had many discussions over these last few days and I found her thought process to be very mature for someone her age.
Tonight, at the church service, she just blew my mind. My daughter, 10 years old, went to the altar to pray (how many times have I felt drawn to the altar and stayed back with fear of being seen)...My daughter, 10 years old, went to the mic they had set up for people to share prayers or scriptures or what have you and she shared a prayer of thanks for God to give us this church where we can worship and pray freely (a task that is not easy in a room filled with a couple hundred adults....and how many times have I felt the urge to share in a room a fraction this size but held back because I had a fear I would say something stupid)....and when there was one particular prayer request during the time of intercession where Pastor Jeff called all leaders and all intercessors to come forward to surround, lay hands, and pray my daughter, 10 years old, went forward to join with the masses, her hands held out and she joined them in prayer (how many times did I feel like I should do that and held back with fear).
I was left praying to did I with so many faults manage to have a daughter with such a spirit of prayer and getting right with God.
She blows my mind!
Homemade Strawberry Pop Tarts
2 days ago
Wow! I am so proud of her! I was stalking.. I mean looking at some people from WE and saw some pics from camp! There is one of Sierra worshipping! Maybe I could find it again...
Isn't it great when our kids teach us profound spiritual truths!
That is awesome! Thank you for sharing.
That's amazing. Wow. You are right, I think she is spiritually attuned beyond her years.
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