Throughout this great country of ours, families and friends gathered together to partake in one of this country's greatest traditions....Super Bowl Sunday. It doesn't matter who the teams doesn't matter where the game is played...all that matters is that the food abounds...the men can whoop and holler together...the women can cheer and gossip together...and the food abounds. It is a night for the all American to celebrate being American, arm in arm. At the end of the night, half the country cheers while the other half mourns...but in the end, everyone is exhausted from the sheer energy put into each play called by their favorite team...each execution or failure that brings men and women alike out of their seats in triumph or despair.
Ah...what a night..........
There is OUR version!!!
I have to say, this was my favorite Super Bowl Sunday to date!! Matt went to Subway and got some footlongs...bags of Doritos lay open on the counter (both Nacho Cheese and Cool Ranch)...both Pepsi (Max) and Coca Cola (Cherry Coke Zero) were opened...Mini Drumsticks in the freezer....and....Evan Almighty playing on the TV.
I am proud to be an American and partake in most of America's greatest traditions, but football, even in Super Bowl form, is just not one I can do. I bet my dad would be so disappointed in me. You see, he was a football coach by profession. In retirement, he spent HOURS practically each day watching football in any form he could get it. I grew up with it playing non-stop.
This year, oh, this year, we had the best of BOTH worlds. We sat down, as a family, and gorged out on bad food (ok, ours was a bit better than some....). We watched a really funny movie, all the while, our cool little dvr RECORDED the Super Bowl for us...not for us to watch FOOTBALL...but for us to watch the famous commercials. Oh how fun to fast forward through Christina Aguilera singing the anthem (though I ended up suffering through it later online to find out about the line she forgot). Oh the JOY in fast forwarding through MANY LONG minutes of football and get to the commercials in between....Doritos pug commercial (FUNNY). Oh the relief to fast forward through a TERRIBLE half-time show (Fergie singing Guns N Roses??). Oh the hilarity in seeing OZZY OSBOURNE in a commercial with JUSTIN BIEBER!!
It was a great night for us. Daniel declared he would eat a dorito every time a dorito commercial aired (and later got disappointed to see that ALL the dorito commercials occured in the first quarter). The one and only disappointment of the night was the shortened version of the Darth Vader/VW commercial...SO CUTE!!!
So, are we unamerican?? Maybe we are. I just thank God that I did not marry a man who liked football!!
Homemade Strawberry Pop Tarts
2 days ago
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