As most of you know, I am a mother of 2. I have loved being a mom and feel it is what I was made to do. Of course, this is made easier with having 2 of the best kids in the world (I know we all say that, but it is true in my case). :-)
But having kids comes with challenges. Yesterday was one of those challenges!!
It started off good. Sierra is homeschooled and the homeschool group we are a part of had a field trip to the museum to go to the Planetarium, the Pirates Exhibit, and than to all other parts of the museum. This was made even more exciting by the group rate of $8.50/person. It was TOO GOOD to pass good, that I decided to pull Daniel out of school (he is in public school) so he could participate as well.
Everything went really well. We loved the Planetarium, though Sierra had an annoying boy sitting next to her (I think he was trying to impress her). The Pirate exhibit was really neat (and it was good to know we did not pay full price for the tickets because it wasn't THAT good). The kids and I had fun going through the museum...pushing buttons...ooing and aaing at pirate treasure and tiny dinosaurs and lots and lots of pretty gems.
Towards the end of the trip to the museum, Daniel began to say that his stomach wasn't feeling great. He was still bouncing around, laughing, having a ball, but he said he wasn't going to be able to eat for the rest of the day. Seeing how it was around 3:30ish, I didn't think much of it. When we got home, he started playing with his friends...riding bikes and running around looking for pirate treasure and such. All normal. At dinner, he ate some chips and guacamole, but declared his tummy wasn't good to eat the rest of dinner. I was concerned until he declared he wanted either a popsicle or an ice crem cone. I told him, eat some chicken and he could have a popsicle.
The thing about Daniel, versus my hypochondriac daughter, is he doesn't make things up to get out of eating. When he said his stomach wasn't right, I should've listened. But, alas, I didn't. After his bath, he came wobbling into my room telling me his stomach was worse. I took him into my bathroom so he could be closer to the toilet. He assured me he would not puke...and than proceeded to puke all over the floor, walls, and himself. Poor guy!!!
It was back in the bath for him while Matt began to clean up the mess (which he declared he did not know where to start). With teeth chattering, I quickly cleaned up my boy, got him in some warm pjs and tucked him in my bed. That would not be the end, of course!! He, then, managed to puke again (this time in a little bucket) and than the other know. So, another washing and set of pjs later, he was tucked in my bed again, snug with his stuffed duck. And I was left to watch him sleep....bucket at my side. All night long, I would grab the bucket at the slightest twitch, turn, snore, sigh, etc. All the while, visions of a stomach bug dance in my head....who would get it next?? My stomach would turn and I would it me??
Now it is a new day. My son woke up declaring that he was MUCH better. I am keeping him home from school (where he is firmly planted on the couch playing Mario Galaxy 2 on the Wii). I have LOADS of things to wash. I am watching everyone like a hawk for any signs of stomach issues. I am dreaming of a nap!! AND, I am hoping beyond hope that this can be a lesson to the kids and my husband that McDonald's really is evil (Daniel had a happy meal for lunch before the museum.....).
99.999999999999999% of being a parent is JOY, LOVE, moments of PRIDE, WARMTH, COMFORT, LOVE!!!! That miniscule % that is not fun, for us anyway, tends to be those times of our kids being sick (lucky us, they are rarely sick). It is so hard to see them suffer. GOD WILLING, the pukey stuff was NOT a bug that we ALL will get.
I love being a mom!!!
Homemade Strawberry Pop Tarts
2 days ago
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