I had considered it for a while...taking a break from social networking. I love it so much...keeping up with family and friends has never been easier.
But, I have thought, recently, about taking a "break". Maybe a week...maybe a day... Imagine my surprise when the pastor at our church called the church to fast from facebook for 21 days. My first thought was...well, there you go. I need to take this time off. My second thought...WHAT!!! 21 DAYS!!!! REALLY!!! I thought a week was a lot, but THREE???
But, I did it. I have been off of facebook since yesterday morning. I even went so far to take the app off my phone, so I wouldn't have the temptation or the constant updates. I have such a routine of everytime I get on my iphone, I check my email and I check my facebook. Now, I check my email and I check the weather (which has been VERY cold lately).
So, how is it going? Pretty good. I find myself reading more...interacting with the family more...really, not missing anything. Weird, right??
I do find myself mentally thinking of status update posts!! Like:
Good grief, there are 2 christmas trees that have been dumped on the side of the road on the way to my son's school. Garbage men DO pick these things up!! Couldn't these people have dumped them closer to a forest of trees and not on the side of the road?
I got honked at today while I was innocently driving in my own lane and another car almost side swiped me trying to move into my lane. He got mad that I did not just let him in. HELLO!!!
Waiting in the waiting room at my sons doctor's office trying to not get irritated that people who got her WAY after me are getting called back while I am stuck in the waiting room.
Now waiting in the exam room for 30 minutes waiting for the doctor to come in. We're just here for a 6-year check-up!! ARGH!!
lol...that feels good. Nice to get that out. Now, Sunday will be painful...my son's birthday party where I will likely take a million and one pictures and will be unable to post until January 30th!! BOO!!!!
Honestly, it has only been a little over a day. We'll see how it goes in a few days....or a week....
In the meantime, I have books to read, life to lead, and curiousity to keep me busy (what is going on out there??).
Homemade Strawberry Pop Tarts
2 days ago
Good for you! Now, this is incredibly ironic, but I have resolved to try to be on Facebook more!
For the last 3 weeks I've had a kind of forced fast from it- I just had too much going on in my life to be on it much. I would post now and then, and check a few status updates, but very infrequently. But I felt a little disconnected. I want to check it maybe once a day, or every few days, to keep up.
But take it from me, not Faceboking for three weeks is something you can survive. You might even be better off. :)
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