We have yet to see this movie. Ok, so it only came out on Friday, but if you know us than you know we tend to watch movies the first weekend they come out. This movie has been a long time coming! They have showed previews for what...5 months? or more.
We have been anxiously awaiting the release of this movie that has had it's preview in front of, it seems, EVERY summer movie...as well as on numerous commercials.
One thing that has come from this is Daniel has been in overload with his imagination. It occurs to me that he is no longer a baby (ok, he probably passed that phase LONG ago, but he is MY baby). His imagination is HUGE as is his vocabulary. We were just hanging out in the living room at talking about what we wished it would rain. Here are some of what he wished it would rain:
ice cream
flowers (for mommy)
leaves (for mommy)
pillows, but not cushions
grape juice
Among so many other things. He thinks about this a lot. I told him I wished it would rain chocolate. He said, everything would be brown. I said, yes, but I could eat it all. I told him I wished it would rain cheesecake. He said, cheeeeesecake, in a dreamy voice. lol
Can't wait for Saturday when we will FINALLY see this movie (YES, I do mean FINALLY).
Chicken Ravioli Bake
6 days ago
Yeah, I'm amazed that you haven't seen it yet!! Kyle and Sarah were dying to see it, of course it didn't come out while we were in the States, we'll have to wait a LONG time for the DVD. They both read the book and loved it.
Yup, I could make it too, its not too hard. But when I saw all that she had done and the time she took. The $20 was worth it. You see... those are those clear plastic sheets that you put paper in. Well... she sewed the compartments and then VERY neatly she cut VERY straight lines with an exacto knife to create the pockets. So if you calculate buying the clear plastic sheets, colored paper, the zipper compartment, folder, ribbon, elastic to close, button to use for front and then the time it takes... it adds up to over 20 bucks. Plus, she is a stay at home mom and I wanted to support her in her efforts. That was the method to my madness.
Have you seen it yet?
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