Easy access to a plethora of TV and movies has become a bit of a problem as of late here. We do not have cable, only local channels...but we do have a Roku device and so our library of available shows and movies are abundant between Netflix Instant Watch and Amazon Instant Video. We even dropped that part of the Netflix plan that allows us to get dvds because the list of shows and movies available to watch instantly was so great.
Therein lies the problem. I find myself getting sucked into watching season after season of show after show. I recently went through watching all the Biggest Loser episodes....150+ episodes. I would just sit and slowly go brain dead watching episode after episode of whatever show I was watching. Oh, I have watched some really good, quality TV. I love shows from BBC like Doc Martin, Land Girls, Rosemary and Thyme, etc. But, I am not sure what I got out of shows like Biggest Loser. The recent show I found myself sucked into was Roswell, a show about teenage aliens....yes, teenage aliens. At the end of the day, I will find myself with a headache and I feel like such a loser.
Ah, but there is something else about the Roku. It has a Pandora app. You put in a favorite band and it will find music from other bands that are like the band you like and you have a 30 second commercial every 6 or so songs. Oh, I have loved Pandora for some time and long ago gave up listening to regular radio stations. Recently, I decided to put Switchfoot into Pandora and do some cleaning. The bands that have been coming up have been incredible. I find myself dancing around the house as I go from task to task. Or, I grab a book and sit down and let Pandora play softly as I immerse myself into whatever story I am getting into. At the end of the day, I may have a headache from reading too much or from scrubbing the floors too much, but I feel satisfied that I did not just let my brain rot out.
I was telling my husband just last night, I love having music playing all day and getting things done...why don't I do that more often?? Why do I allow myself to get stuck in a TV show when there are so many other things I can be doing?? My house is cleaner...my brain is fresher....I am happier. I am still watching TV, but I am limiting it. I am falling in love with music more and more each day. My new favorite band is Lifehouse. I am reading a great book. I am getting curriculum organized. I recommend Pandora. You can have it on your Roku or on your smartphone. Personally, I love Switchfoot radio and Relient K radio, but you can put in whatever band you like.
Homemade Strawberry Pop Tarts
2 days ago
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